25 Quotes by Bodhi Smith about light
- Author Bodhi Smith
those gray clouds were always blocking out all his horizons, but in the midst of all the gloominess one day, all of a sudden, her sunrays broke through to him, her hopeful light glowed, she shined on his face, and as he turned towards her, to absorb her directly, she warmed his skin, he smiled, his heart glowing as it pulsed her throughout his body, touching her light to his soul
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- Author Bodhi Smith
she held him. he held her. all the noise inside and out ceased. the moon shined in through the window, but they glowed as one in their own light. there could be nothing else so special as this moment, no matter how long it lasted, it did not matter because nothing else matters, in this sanctum so pure
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- Author Bodhi Smith
in photography and as in life, it is the strong contrasts between dualities that make things interesting and beautiful...particularly speaking, darkness has to exist and be present in order for light to glow, and have meaning and purpose
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- Author Bodhi Smith
love can sometimes achieve the impossible, just like light can sometimes shine through a rainstorm of clouds
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- Author Bodhi Smith
just remember that no matter what, there's always a light somewhere behind the clouds, waiting and ready to show itself
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- Author Bodhi Smith
you must find your own light, just like the like does
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- Author Bodhi Smith
he saw her light, seeing his first look of both everything and only one thing, all together at once, all that ever did or ever will matter
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