22 Quotes by Bongha Lee about existence

"On the battlefield there is no distinction between royalty, nobility, and commons."


"Two most pursuable things in life beyond happiness are beauty and virtue."


"All men are born great but die on the way. But a virtuous never dies but once."


"I am deeply convinced that perfection lies in excess of thoughts and excess of problems. These will devour me and break me down into indivisible particles. And in the belly of a monster where I am laid in the narrowest binary of doing or not-doing, being or not-being, I let my instinct to find the perfect answer."


"Yet, the existential intellection has disregarded the possibility that a coming-into-being as not a finality but a process and that it is a making of meaning from the ground zero, for we are incomplete beings. Being is nothing but containment of essence, and the precedent-will has to be taken a priori to coming-to-being. Because we are choosing to become a volitional being."


"The resistant reasoning understands a revolt as a protester against the criminality of the universe—the crime of neglect and irresponsibility. To protest and revolt, we must exist because our existence is proof of its crime."


"His primacy of self and willingness to perpetuate his will go beyond death and toward perfection."


"Knowledge in one’s true individuality and selfhood can give him the irreducible fact of himself, and one’s perception of himself is everything of value."
