7 Quotes by Bryant McGill about desperation
- Author Bryant McGill
Excessive want is a form of desperation and a declaration of lack.
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- Author Bryant McGill
People who are out of control desperately need to observe your healthy boundaries in-play to learn from your example.
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- Author Bryant McGill
For the vile human pigs in life; the sloppy, disheveled, uncaring dregs, the ungrateful, and especially for the vicious, negative emotional peasants — there will only continue to be the hard and painful lessons you so desperately need. The invisible hand will hold you in your wretched place until your last breath — unless you evolve. If you are cruel and ignorant the invisible fist will pound you into oblivion until you submit, humble yourself and soften your hard heart.
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- Author Bryant McGill
Being alone is much better than being around negative people out of loneliness or desperation.
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- Author Bryant McGill
Once you connect with yourself, it is impossible to be lonely or desperate.
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- Author Bryant McGill
Loneliness and desperation are only possible when we have lost touch with our beauty within.
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- Author Bryant McGill
You would not believe what skill, power and ability your total intelligence possesses until you are in desperate need.
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