5 Quotes by C. JoyBell C. about lovers

  • Author C. JoyBell C.
  • Quote

    They were from two different worlds. Two entirely different people. But upon their coming together, they created- they found- their own path and together they had their own world and in their own world, they were the same. Everyone else outside of it- everyone else was over there. Away. And they together- they together were here. They were right here. They were the same.

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  • Author C. JoyBell C.
  • Quote

    We fall in love most deeply with those who have known our demons; with those who have touched our demons, made peace with our demons, made love to them, forgiven them... known them. They are the ones we love the most. Demon whisperers. They are the ones we love with the marrow in our bones. It's not the ones who see the best in us; it's the ones who have stroked the worst in us: these are the ones who stain our veins. These are the ones we call home.

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