16 Quotes by C. S. Lewis about heart
- Author C. S. Lewis
But no one except Lucy knew that as it circled the mast it had whispered to her, "Courage, dear heart," and the voice, she felt sure, was Aslan's, and with the voice a delicious smell breathed in her face.
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- Author C. S. Lewis
No emotion is, in itself, a judgement; in that sense all emotions and sentiments are alogical. but they can be reasonable or unreasonable as they conform to Reason or fail to conform. The heart never takes the place of the head: but it can, and should, obey it.
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- Author C. S. Lewis
The human heart is not unchanging (nay, changes almost out of recognition in the twinkling of an eye)...
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- Author C. S. Lewis
but who can feel ugly, when their heart feels joy
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- Author C. S. Lewis
We shall draw nearer to God, not by trying to avoid the sufferings inherent in all loves, but by accepting them and offering them to Him; throwing away all defensive armour. If our hearts need to be broken, and if He chooses this as the way in which they should break, so be it.
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- Author C. S. Lewis
The heart never takes the place of the head: but it can, and should, obey it.
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- Author C. S. Lewis
Something deep in the human heart breaks at the thought of a life of mediocrity.
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