40 Quotes by C. S. Lewis about wisdom
"Regarding the debate about faith and works: It's like asking which blade in a pair of scissors is most important."
"The gap between those who worship different gods is not so wide as the gap between those who worship and those who don't."
"You would not call a man humane for ceasing to set mousetraps if he did so because he believed there were no mice in the house."
"You find out more about God from the Moral Law than from the univerise in general just as you find out more about a man by listening to his conversation than by looking at a house he has built."
"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. I am not afraid, but the sensation is like being afraid. The same fluttering in the stomach, the same restlessness, the yawning. I keep on swallowing."
"Surely what a man does when he is taken off his guard is the best evidence for what sort of man he is."
"Now is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It won't last forever. We must take it or leave it."
"Human beings, all over the earth, have this curious idea that they ought to believe in a certain way, and can't really get rid of it."