44 Quotes by CLEMENT OGEDEGBE about Potentials
"YOU ARE NOT A VICTIMWhen you begin to appreciate the great potentials you have on your inside, you will no longer live like one who is incapacitated, who is a victim of life’s circumstances and who is disadvantaged in life but you will begin to see yourself as a creator, one full of great potentials and who can become whatever he sets his heart to become and do whatever he chooses to do"
"Without conversion of potentials, almost nothing will exist. We could have a world of about 7.6billion people full of potentials and yet not have any devices, food, inventions, houses, cars, phones, music, books etc. if these people do not convert their potentials. Life will be void and useless if people do not convert their potentials"
"The greatness of a nation is dependent on the potentials of its citizens. Great nations don’t make great people, only great people make great nations"
"People don’t become great and successful by just having potentials, they become great and successful by converting their potentials. Potentials by themselves are of no value and mean nothing, it is their conversion that makes all the difference"