7 Quotes by Carol Moseley Braun about thinking

"I really think that's the key, part of the spiritual renewal that America needs to have, the notion that we really can have confidence in a better tomorrow."


"And frankly, being a woman I think gives me a slightly different take on a lot of the issues and on a lot of the solutions to the problems we face."


"I think Americans want to believe in this country again."


"I think that we have a responsibility to make certain that we are fiscally responsible in order to assure, frankly, future generations don't have to pay our bills."


"I think it does suggest that the American people really do want to listen to somebody who actually has some solutions, some answers, and gives them some hope."


"I think its time to get a reapportionment process that frankly takes out the incumbency protection and the raw politics of the process."


"I think the legacy of the civil rights movement is that now whites are more open to being represented by people of color or people who are women or, again, non-traditional candidates."
