23 Quotes by Cassandra Clare about tid
- Author Cassandra Clare
You don’t sound very patriotic,” observed Tessa. “Weren’t you just reminiscing about the mountains?”“Patriotic?” Will looked smug. “I’ll tell you what’s patriotic,” he said. “In honor of my birthplace, I’ve the dragon of Wales tattooed on my—”“You’re in a charming temper, aren’t you, William?” interrupted Jem,though there was no edge to his voice.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
There is a coldness to the Clave, it is true. We are dust and shadows. But you are like the heroes of ancient times, like Achilles and Jason.”“Achilles was murdered with a poisonedarrow, and Jason died alone, killed by his own rotting ship. Such is the fate of heroes; the Angel knows why anyone would want to be one.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
Nossos corações precisam de um espelho, Tessa. Enxergamos o melhor de nós mesmos naqueles que nos amam. E existe uma beleza que só a brevidade oferece.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
But from now on the Herondales owe the Carstairs. Okay? Remember that.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
She glanced over at Zachariah, who was busy patting Church. The cat had climbed up onto the champagne table and was gleefully knocking over glasses. Her look was one of exasperation and fondness mixed together.
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