38 Quotes by Cecelia Ahern about Love
- Author Cecelia Ahern
But with your life you make a few bad decisions, get unlucky a few times, whatever, but you have to keep going, right?
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
Why did I walk away from something that was perfect?" They ask me all the time. But I didn't. Truth is, something that I thought was perfect was taken away from me, and I never wanted perfect again. I wanted middle of the road. Stuff I didn't care about, so that I couldn't lose anything I really loved ever again.
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
Not like a heart, which let people in without permission, held them in a special place she never had any say in and then yearned for them to remain there longer than they planned.
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
I guess when you’re trying to find all the parts of yourself, it’s difficult to be with someone who’s already fully intact.
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
Her best friend was gone and nobody understood that no amount of makeup, fresh air or shopping was going to fill the hole in her heart.
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
Y entonces se hizo el silencio. Un silencio realmente extraño. Nos miramos el uno al otro como si nos estuviéramos viendo por primera vez. Era como si el mundo hubiese dejado de dar vueltas sólo para nosotros. Un silencio extraño y mágico.
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
I told you I'd find you.
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
Tata coboară măsuța, scoate fotografia mamei din buzunar, o așează pe masă, cu fața la fereastră. Își lasă scaunul pe spate și privesc amândoi marea nesfârșită de norișori albi care dispar sub noi, fără să mai scoată un cuvânt tot restul zborului.
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- Author Cecelia Ahern
Life is hard, so what? It's hard for everyone, isn't it? Anyone who says it's easy is a liar.
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