5 Quotes by Charles Bukowski about hollywood
- Author Charles Bukowski
How are his poems?""He's not as good as he thinks he is, but then most of us feel that way.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
Bad tastecreates many more millionaires than good taste. It finallyboiled down to a matter of who got the most votes. In theland of the moles a mole was king
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- Author Charles Bukowski
A mí cada vez que alguien me hablaba me entraban ganas de tirarme por la ventana o de escapar en el ascensor. La gente, simplemente, no me resultaba interesante. Quizá no tenía por qué serlo. Pero los animales, los pájaros, incluso los insectos lo eran. No podía entenderlo.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
بارمن بهم گفت:((میدونی چیه پسر ؟))((نه، چیه ؟))((میخوام همینجا وسط بار یه لولهی گاز بکشم، درست تا همین صندلی که بیست و چهار ساعته روش نشستی.سرش هم یه شیر میذارم.))((لولهی گاز؟))((آره.تا هر وقت هوس کردی تمومش کنی شیر رو باز کنی و چندتا نفس عمیق بکشی و خلاص شی...))گفتم ((واقعاً خیلی لطف داری جیم.))
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- Author Charles Bukowski
I lapsed into my pathetic cut-off period. Often with humans, both good and bad, my senses simply shut off, they get tired, I give up. I am polite. I nod. I pretend to understand because I don’t want anybody to be hurt. That is the one weakness that has lead me into the most trouble. Trying to be kind to others I often get my soul shredded into a kind of spiritual pasta.No matter. My brain shuts off. I listen. I respond. And they are too dumb to know that I am not there.
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