8 Quotes by Charles Dickens about childhood
- Author Charles Dickens
The streets looked small, of course. The streets that we have only seen as children always do I believe when we go back to them
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- Author Charles Dickens
God! what would I forfeit to have the days of my childhood restored, or to be able to forget them for ever!
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- Author Charles Dickens
Eğer başka çocuklar da anlaşılmamaktan, yanlış anlaşılmaktan, benim çocukken korktuğum kadar korkuyorlarsa (ki olasıdır, çünkü çocukluğumda bir hilkat garibesi olduğumu hiç sanmıyorum) bu korku birçok suskunluk ve yalanların anahtarıdır.
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- Author Charles Dickens
Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveller, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home!
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- Author Charles Dickens
Ablamın verdiği terbiye beni çekingen, içli bir çocuk yapmıştı. Kimin tarafından yetiştirilirse yetiştirilsin, bir çocuğun küçücük evreninde en derinden sezilen, en ince algılanan şey, haksızlıktır. Çocuğa yapılan haksızlık küçücük bir şey olabilir. Ne var ki çocuk da, çocuğun dünyası da küçücüktür; bu ölçüler içinde çocuğun tahta atı en iri küheylanların boyundadır. Ablamın o esintili, hırslı baskısıyla bana haksızlık ettiğini, kendimi bildiğimden beri biliyordum.
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- Author Charles Dickens
The dreams of childhood—its airy fables; its graceful, beautiful, humane, impossible adornments of the world beyond: so good to be believed-in once, so good to be remembered when outgrown, for the least among them rises to the stature of a great Charity in the heart, suffering the little children to come into the midst of it, and to keep with their pure hands a garden in the stony ways of this world
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- Author Charles Dickens
My school-days! The silent gliding on of my existence—the unseen, unfelt progress of my life—from childhood up to youth! Let me think, as I look back upon that flowing water, now a dry channel overgrown with leaves, whether there are any marks along its course, by which I can remember how it ran.
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- Author Charles Dickens
It is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself
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