33 Quotes by Charles E Hudson about love
- Author Charles E Hudson
You can blind yourself so you can’t see with your eyes the Things you don’t want to see. You can’t close your heart to not feel the things you don’t want to feel with your heart.
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- Author Charles E Hudson
In times of turbulence in your life always know when it's time to lock your heart and soul down. Self preservation supersedes anything. You are a precious gift, know when it's time to save yourself because no-one will have your best interest in mind but you. Know your boundary's and limitations, yet love yourself enough to do what you have to do to save you.You are beautiful live your life like you are beautiful.
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- Author Charles E Hudson
True love will help you to be a better person as you both grow.True love will not criticize or belittle you.True love will want you both happy.
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- Author Charles E Hudson
Never give al of your Love awayWhen you give all your love to someone you give them you.You want to share your love with them that is normal.If you give them all your love you have to offer you will have no love for yourself, never forget to save some love for you.Love them, but save some love for yourself if you have no love for yourself you can’t love anyone.
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- Author Charles E Hudson
Love who you are and respect yourself yet never water your love down for the sake of anyone. Love your self enough to walk away from anything that doesn't serve you anymore. To receive the love you want you must be able to give the Love you have.
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- Author Charles E Hudson
It was love; it was true love a real love not a love of desire or lust. It was the purest love that we have ever known. It couldn’t stay, yet that love taught us to embrace everyone and everything in life past and present.
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- Author Charles E Hudson
Love who you are and what you stand for because at some point in your life you will be all you have to depend on.
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- Author Charles E Hudson
Once in a lifetime you will find that one person who will hurt you like no one ever has.Whatever you do don't allow that to crush your soul.Forgive them then forgive yourself, you must do that so you cn begin to heal
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- Author Charles E Hudson
Love and TimeWhen you love someone it feels like you have nothing but time.As time flows sometime you will Fall out of love or realize they are not the love for you.If loves fails never regret or reject it just embrace the time spent together.Rejoice for the time you spent knowing each other and the love that you will always store in your heart.
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