10 Quotes by Charles F Glassman about kindness
- Author Charles F Glassman
Think kind thoughts.Speak kind words.Perform kind deeds.Just be kind.
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- Author Charles F Glassman
Question: How can you do onto others as you would like done onto you, if you are not compassionate toward yourself?Sure, it is important to be kind to others. But don’t forget to give yourself a break.
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- Author Charles F Glassman
Before you demand grace and kindness from another, ask yourself, how am I doing in those areas?
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- Author Charles F Glassman
Call me simple, but to me a person becomes 10 times more attractive, not by their looks, but by their actions: those of kindness, respect, honesty & loyalty.
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- Author Charles F Glassman
Be calm; yet assertive. Be meek; yet courageous. Be gentle; yet bold. Be kind; yet strong.
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- Author Charles F Glassman
It is challenging to be kind when life is hard. Yet, if you give it a chance, kindness can become the remedy to personal struggle and make our world a more gentle and happier place.
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- Author Charles F Glassman
One thing I can be sure of, every person is capable of great kindness. And the dark opposite is also true. This is the human condition.
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- Author Charles F Glassman
Never mistake a kind and gentle heart for weakness.
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- Author Charles F Glassman
Kindness starts with being kind to yourself.
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