21 Quotes by Charles F. Glassman about Gratitude
- Author Charles F. Glassman
I choose to walkwith gratitude, not envy; with faith, not worry; with confidence, not fear; with kindness, not anger.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
For the health of my mind, body, and spirit, I choose to walk with:Gratitude not Envy;Faith not Worry;Confidence not Fear;Kindness not Anger.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
When you awaken in the morning and go to sleep at night, acknowledge with gratitude the roof over your head and the warm bed upon which you lay.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
Perhaps the greatest neutralizer of sadness rests with two simple words : thank you.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
Sometimes, all it takes to lift the sadness from another is to let them know how much you appreciate them and how grateful you are having them in your life.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
For the sake of your health and happiness, replace the loss that causes sadness with the thanks that yields gratitude.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
It’s okay to glance at the light of another. But when you look to long, it will blind you from seeing your own.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
Trying to figure it all out is impossible. But what isn’t impossible is to:Have gratitudeStay PositiveHave faithBe friendly and kindListen first; speak secondDo your best, not try to be the bestEnjoy the ride!
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
How would you like a friend or loved one talking to you only when they needed something? That’s kind of how most of use prayer or meditation. Since there is ALWAYS something for which to be grateful, how about praying or meditating on that?
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