19 Quotes by Charles F. Glassman about Wisdom
- Author Charles F. Glassman
Anxiety and depression, and the physical symptoms they cause, are merely distractions and smokescreens to “protect” you from dangers, which are usually, imaginary.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
When we procrastinate, we also put a hold on happiness.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
When you don't ask for advice, but get it anyway, it has more to do with the needs and wants of the giver than you the receiver.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
Life's journey is peppered with many bumps and pitfalls. If we make mountains out of each one, we will get nowhere.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
Being the best is rarely within our reach. Doing our best is always within our reach.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
Although to our automatic brain, change always means potential danger. In order to calm that brain, it means embracing change so to turn on the light in our mind and open the door to our true potential.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
Accept the good, however big or small, with no strings attached.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
Action, not philosophy will get you going. Pick yourself up and move forward. That is the only way you can still enjoy life while you are blessed to be living it.
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- Author Charles F. Glassman
God's image is more than flesh and bones.
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