6 Quotes by Charles Haddon Spurgeon about community
"God loves the church with a love too deep for human imagination: He loves her with all His infinite heart. Therefore let her sons be of good courage; she cannot be far from prosperity."
"The author concedes that the body of Christ may often judge wrongly , but he says that the judgment of the body as a whole is more sound that is one's ability to judge self objectively."
"The church has a deep well of joy, of which none can drink but her own children. There are stores of wine, and oil, and corn, hidden in the midst of our Jerusalem, upon which the saints of God are evermore sustained and nurtured; and sometimes, as in our Saviour's case, we have our seasons of intense delight"
"Christ's vast benevolence must, from the very nature of things, have afforded Him the deepest possible delight, for benevolence is joy."
"I serve," should be the motto of all the princes of the royal family of heaven."
"It was well to be Martha and serve, but better to be Lazarus and commune."