72 Quotes by Charlotte Eriksson about Love
- Author Charlotte Eriksson
I am the contrast. I am forever the crack in the window that lets the winter in. I am forever the moment between laughter and tears, happiness and sadness. I am light and darkness. I am fire and ice. You will try to take me into your life, but I won't fit, and you will not know how to tell me that there is simply no place for me.There is simply no place for a girl like me.
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
I have lost and loved and won and cried myself to the person I am today.
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
Everything changed when I learned to honour my body instead of fighting it. When I learned to take care of it, like a precious castle to protect this weary heart. To stop harming it, punishing it for looking like this or that, feeling like this or that. I don’t look like they all told me I had to, but I’m healthy and strong and vital. That is enough.
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
You need to belong to yourself, and let others belong to themselves too. You need to be free and detached from things and your surroundings. You need to build your home in your own simple existence, not in friends, lovers, your career or material belongings, because these are things you will lose one day.
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
so if you’d see me nowon these streetswhere I once imagined walking with youyou’d have a hard time recognising me.It takes a lot to run away.
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
There are very few friends that will lie down with you on empty streets in the middle of the night, without a word. No questions, no asking why, just quietly lay there with you, observing the stars, until you're ready to get back up on your feet again and walk the last bit home, softly holding your hand as a quiet way of saying “I'm here”.It was a beautiful night.
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
People who truly live their lives don't have time to complain or judge others. They're too busy enjoying life and love and everything in between!
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
You were the hardest year of my life and I’ve never been so happy. What does that say about me?
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- Author Charlotte Eriksson
You must make love to him like his touch is your salvation.
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