15 Quotes by Chris TDL about Citation

"If you think you've never lived up to a situation, you have your own story or you will be the hero."


"Know that the days that are alike are only the illusion of a reality created by your mind."


"It takes you 5 years to build your reputation, but 5 minutes to ruin it."


"Believe in your dreams and never give up on your passions, never give up even in spite of the difficulty and the unforeseen, or despite the mistakes that you will make, if you persist in the evolution of your dreams, life will reward you."


"Dreams are not just dreams, because each of them can become reality."


"I sincerely believe that patience is one of the keys to success."


"Every day is a chance, life is a chance worth living because each atom and molecule in our body are the same as those in the universe that makes up our world and space."


"I think it is likely that success will only affect people who will perceive despite the difficulty and mistakes."


"Life may not give you gifts, but even despite the difficulties it is important to keep hoping, luck will eventually turn."


"Sometimes the best times are the least expensive."
