9 Quotes by Chuck D. about believe

"I don't believe that everybody is out of some kind of cookie cutter, so the thing that protects me is always being level with myself, even to myself."


"I couldn't believe it failed. This levy is critical for our city."


"We believe they are two separate cases with two separate sets of facts. They are different individuals with different doctors and different medical histories. But we understand that the judge was inclined to consolidate the cases and we're ready to move forward."


"We believe Judge West's ruling was correct. We feel the Judge's ruling addressed the issues in our suit, too."


"It will be strange to be without him. I can't believe he's gone, to tell you the truth."


"My thing is, the older you get you gotta stand up for what you believe in, and keep bashin' away."


"I believe this can be done peacefully through diplomacy,"


"I happen to believe that the pendulum is returning to the growth side."


"Intel is a very successful company, and it is not unusual for us to come under scrutiny. We believe our business practices are fair and lawful."
