17 Quotes by Chuck D. about rap
"These days you can't see who's in cahoots, Cause now the KKK wears three-piece suits."
"I got a letter from the government the other day I opened and read it...it said they were suckers."
"Public Enemy started out as a benchmark in rap music in the mid-1980s. We felt there was a need to actually progress the music and say something because we were slightly older than the demographic of rap artists at the time. It was a time of heightened rightwing politics, so the climate dictated the direction of the group."
"We were coming out of the black community with this thing called rap music, which was basically black men yelling at the top of their lungs about what we liked and what we didn't like. It was disturbing to the status quo. It really shook things up. And those in power didn't know what to make of us, but they knew that we had to be silenced, stopped in any way from expressing our outrage."
"Eminem has talent, and his talent is the thing that influences many young people who would have never gone anywhere near rap. White kids in different parts of the world use him as a barometer and the standard to live up to. In some ways, Eminem is an artist who has ushered in a new movement."
"Burn, Hollywood, burn, I smell a riot goin' on, First they're guilty, now they're gone!"
"Let the voice be the voice of the voiceless and let it come from the world of rap music to keep the stereotype and the peace at the same time."