7 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about loneliness
- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sometimes we must take the most important journey’s in isolation; alone except for the experience itself.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
There is that incessantly gnawing loneliness that leaves us ever-restless, eventually driving us to embark upon some endless journey supposing that whatever would fill us is held in some hidden treasure that lays silently buried in a yet undiscovered place. Yet, it would do us well to understand that this loneliness is no more and no less than the image of the infinite God ever-stirring within us and all the while begging to be unleashed.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
The battle is never fought alone even though we might feel alone in the fight, for with God the feeling of being alone never supersedes the fact of His presence.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
I desperately want someone to see the anguish of my soul, for to walk alone in that kind of anguish creates an anguish all its own.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
My fear of standing alone often pressures me to stand with a rather unsavory group that embraces a rather unsettling belief system which leaves me wondering why I left the promises of God for the company of people.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
It’s not solving someone’s problem. Rather, it’s solving the loneliness that they’re experiencing while they’re facing the problem.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Making it ‘all about me’ is making it all about no one else. And if I stop long enough to look around, I suddenly realize that a lot of ‘me’ without a lot ‘no one else’ is not a lot of anything.
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