24 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about Leadership

"The most formidable way to lead is to serve. And while the perplexing oxymoron of such a grinding statement absolutely cripples us, it birthed a Savior."


"You will find great leaders pounding the pavement of life instead of pounding the pulpits of their agendas."


"A ‘good’ leader recognizes that they have been granted the uncommon experience of leading common men. A ‘great’ leader recognizes that of all men, they are likely the most common."


"I don’t think that there are many true leaders. For a true leader possesses both the seasoned acumen and the utterly fearless temperament to slice through the boggy agendas and the cumbersome biases that lesser people have come to justify as wholly good and impeachably righteous simply because these lesser things have become the whole of their calling. And no true leader would ever lead himself or anyone else to such a pitiful place as that."


"The essence of true leadership is our willingness to leave wherever we might be in order to meet people wherever they happen to be."


"Leadership must embody servanthood, for without it leadership will become the embodiment of our selfish agendas. And leadership of that sort will lead us to places that none of us want to go to."


"To lead is to put myself below another so that I can lift up another. And true leadership means that I will keep them in that position and me in mine."


"If I rise above what people do to me and consistently strive to be the ‘bigger man’ despite the cost to me, I will never become what I dislike in others."
