300 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about life

"We can live out our lives, and in the end realize that we never really ‘lived’ a day in our lives."


"I would much prefer the ‘wealth of impoverishment’ (where I have spent my life giving to others), over the ‘impoverishment of wealth’ (where I have squandered my life giving to myself)."


"To those who have resigned themselves to the sorry belief that they are forever held captive to the currents of life, I would suggest that they take some time to learn what the oars in their boat are for."


"Death is rendered tragic when it finds us having expended ourselves in the endeavor of having lived for ourselves. For when it finds us at the end of such a life as this, it finds us in the company of no one other than ourselves. And that alone may be worse than death itself."


"Sometimes in life we need to sit with things for a minute, maybe on the fringe of things, not only to savor the wealth of the moment, but take a moment to figure out how to respectfully engage it."


"I don’t wish to possess anything so that I may be left free to experience everything."


"Having lived with nothing is the gift that allows me to appreciate the privilege of having everything."
