36 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about sin
- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
There are few things worse than wasting away in a prison that I myself constructed with such ignorance that I am helpless to escape my own construction.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Will we choose to be the ‘pieces’ that our sin has blown us into? Or will we turn to the God who can pick up each one and gently assemble them into the ‘whole’ that we’ve never known simply because it’s a ‘whole’ that He has never forgotten?
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
I have stumbled my way through most of my life. However. God has kept me from falling all of my life.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
We might wish to take note of the fact that it is within the impoverishment of our own thinking that we create these innumerable strategies which we brazenly herald as the means to mankind’s salvation. And the means by which to halt the incessant travesties that this failed reality repeatedly births is to acknowledge the impoverishment of our relationship with the God who has already secured our salvation.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
The phrase “all is lost” only applies to those that are.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
God poses no threat to me other than keeping me from being my own greatest threat.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Although it might state otherwise, I don’t think that the world finds anything compelling that’s always shifting to adjust to wherever the world’s going. I think that what the world finds compelling is something so indisputably enthralling that the world is always shifting to adjust to it. And the only thing that I know that has both the power and the character to be that enthralling is God.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
When we fall to the bottom of the hole that we’ve spent our lives digging, we will find that God was there waiting for us long before we showed up. And in one hand He’s holding all of the shovels that we used to dig it, and in the other He’s got a ladder.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
We’ve come to believe in what people say about God for the singular reason that it grants us the excuse not to believe in who He actually is so that we can continue to be who we actually are not.
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