679 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about Christian
- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
We will never rise on the wings of our own ingenuity or wisdom, for those are the things that lift nothing other than our ego in the process of crashing our lives. Rather, it is the surrender of the smallness of self to the enormity of God that allows us to soar.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Strength is what is granted to me by God so that He might show through me what He wishes to do through others.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
God is the water of the soul. Yet, with man there is only the rumor of water and the reality of sand. And our response to this reality is a steady diet of sand because we live in a steady state of stubbornness regarding the God of water.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
The wisest thing that we can acknowledge is that we are not. The second wisest thing we can acknowledge is that God is. And the third wisest thing we can acknowledge is our need to surrender ourselves to both.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
We do not hold the solution to our problems, unless we see the destruction of ourselves as the solution to our problems.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
God has no interest in filling the holes within us. Rather, He wishes to eliminate them.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
If we doubt the faulty nature of the foundations that we create, we might ask if we’re currently standing on one, or are we sitting on the ground looking at the last one that collapsed. And since we’re already sitting, maybe we’d be smart to ponder that.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Wisdom apart from God is just a word.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sometimes the path is hidden by the foliage that surrounds us, the trees that have fallen all around us, and the winds that whip the wilderness wild. And while the foliage and the trees and the winds might hide that precious path for a moment, we must remember that God birthed each of us with a destination so utterly amazing that no wilderness possesses the foliage, or the trees, or the winds to ever destroy the path to that destination.
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