300 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about life
"If you somehow believe that you can free yourself from yourself, you will spend the rest of your life decorating the prison cell that you’ve been living in all of your life."
"When life is about to do something great, it often sneaks up on us in order that the element of surprise might enhance every part of what it’s about to do."
"It is my hope that despite the gravity of the trials, we will never forget that the privilege to live life always offsets the difficulties involved in the living of it. This is the essence of thanksgiving."
"Life is only as bad as your attitude."
"To have a rigorous imagination is to live in ‘what is’ while embracing all the possibilities of ‘what could be.’ To live a fantasy is an attempt to escape both."
"I refuse to believe that the course of a single day represents the course of my entire life."
"Writing the story of my life limits the whole of its storyline to this single, solitary vantage point from which I survey the world. So, why wouldn’t I want it written by the God who not only sits at every vantage point in all of existence, but Who was also the One that brought everyone of them into existence?"
"Life is precious regardless of how you choose to think about it."