34 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about lessons
- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
If we abandon the past in the pursuit of the future, we’ve left all of the construction materials behind. So, we might show up at the site, but we’re not going to be building anything.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Consequences are not the spoiler that kills my dreams. Rather, they are the lessons that enhance my dreaming.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Pain is the enemy that bears the gifts of growth.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
There are people who have been horrifically bent by the severity of their wounds. But there are also those who have been raised up by the lessons inherent in those wounds to the point that they are no longer bent nor ever will be bent again. And the difference between the two rests in the fact that the former let their wounds define them, while the latter let the lessons embolden them.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Your failures are your greatest accomplishments waiting to happen.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
They are the pieces from which the whole is fashioned. But what I must remember is that the pieces aren’t there to reconstruct what they used to be before the pieces became pieces. They are there to construct something that is more than the sum total of whatever they used to be.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
A new day is not life inviting us to repeat the same failures that we experienced yesterday. Rather, it is life inviting us to embrace the lessons born of the failures so that the lessons will live to shape tomorrow, while the failures will lay buried securely in yesterday.
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