300 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about life
"If I see only my bias, I have surrendered to a single myopic lens through which to view the world. If I dare to surrender my bias, I will spend the rest of my life seeing the world and throwing away lenses."
"Self-preservation is to hunker down in the suffocating confines of this infinitesimally tiny existence that I define as ‘me,’ instead of letting ‘me’ run through the infinitely massive expanse of everything that is not me. And if the beast of self-preservation does not permit such freedoms, I will preserve myself to my own death."
"Life is the march of all things resurrected and being resurrected. Behind each flower, every tree, each nesting bird, every breath that we take, and every cherished dream that we hold there runs this irrepressible theme of resurrection. For life is not so shallow or weak or inattentive as to permit the finality of an end."
"Thanksgiving is not some formulaic action based on a tedious ledger that neatly tallies everything I have received so I can determine if being thankful is warranted or not. Rather, it’s appreciating the fact that I have already received the privilege of living life which in and of itself will fill the whole of my ledger for the whole of my life."
"In our frenzied attempts to catch up with life, we run right past it. Once we have run past it, what we are in reality attempting to catch is ourselves."
"If I have relegated God to a fantasy born of frightened men ill-suited to face life, I would suggest that this is far more the story of frightened men who wish God to be a fantasy because they are ill-suited to face Him."
"The apparent reality is that life never quite permits us the certainty that we impose upon it."
"If something as dark as death is inevitable, why is it that something as magnificent as eternity is any less inevitable? Maybe it’s because we’ve come to define ‘inevitability’ based on the apathy of fear rather than the anticipation of faith."
"At this moment God might not necessarily be a necessity, but know that His absence will of necessity eventually result in His necessity."
"Without unreservedly surrendering myself to God, whatever place I might raise myself to remains nothing more than a step or possibly two off the hard basement floor of life, for of myself I can be utterly assured that I will never step out of the basement."