300 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about life
"A life is a precious gift carefully wrapped. But if we never see it as a gift or worse yet we engage it as a troublesome burden, we won't believe that there is anything to unwrap. And I doubt that there are few things worse than living life but never embracing the gift of life."
"It‘s utterly astounding that every time I get knocked down God’s mercy compassionately raises me to my feet; His grace thoroughly brushes off every trace of assorted filth I accumulated in the fall, His word precisely recalibrates my direction to insure the success of a journey resumed, and once all of that is completed He gently leans over and whispers, “How about another run?"
"I spend a whole lot of time in a whole lot of places that don’t do me a whole lot of good, when God has spent a whole lot of time inviting me to spend the whole of eternity with Him."
"Life offers us many paths, but there’s only One that doesn’t lead to the edge of a cliff."
"If I’m not living this life in conjunction with God, I’m not living this life. Rather, what I’m doing is living the lie that I’m living this life."
"Christmas is opportunity while everything else in life is the hope of opportunity."
"I have found that unless I surrender every part of my life to God every part of my day, I will end up missing most every part of my life every day of my life."
"To believe in the story of Easter is to believe that a wall is nothing more than a door in disguise."
"If I’m going to be frankly honest about my ignorance, the question I should be asking God about life is, “What are the questions I should be asking about life?"
"Without God, I am living in an endless desert forever wondering and never figuring out why it’s so hot, and why there’s no water, and why I’m dying. And although the desert seems to stretch to endless horizons in every direction, God’s coolness and water and life is but a single step right in front of me. And if I'd just take a step, the 'wondering' and 'figuring out' would be all but figured out."