34 Quotes by Criss Jami about Mercy
- Author Criss Jami
The Christian God seemed the most offensive to people precisely because he was the most godlike. He was too perfect even to be coaxed by human efforts, and therefore sent his son to do the job.
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- Author Criss Jami
Men promise freedom while establishing laws; God promises laws while establishing freedom.
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- Author Criss Jami
I'm not a political Christian; for the most part I allow people even their vain, earthly rights. And I certainly don't see anti-Christians as bad or evil (as if they actually have the power to pose any kind of threat against God Almighty), but rather complete idiots I was commanded to love.
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- Author Criss Jami
Look for the person everyone hates, and love them.
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- Author Criss Jami
If Christians always seemed to be the most intelligent and the most righteous of men, I'd be a skeptic.
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- Author Criss Jami
The conscious attempt to be a good person without Christ is as legalistic as an attempt to make it into Heaven through empty religiosity.
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- Author Criss Jami
Truth in Christ is not a matter of being near or far like in martial arts when you strive for a black belt. He saves us then we grow; not the other way around.
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