41 Quotes by Curtis Tyrone Jones about relationships
"Sometimes I find myself arguing with her hips because her walk is so mean."
"Your alternate dimension keeps crashing into this one & love's got me experiencing symptoms without ever getting sick of you."
"When I saw you I knew the universe had mastered my love language & I'd go through any amount of anguish to be a student of its genius."
"Lost in wonder staring at you, I bumped my head on the moon & fell, hard."
"i find youin every echo,i find you in everydream, i find youin every feelingin the depthsof my innerbeing."
"She's like a tulip that's still gorgeous even though she just can't open up."
"Your eyeshave fingersthat grip me bythe collar ofmy soul &pull meinto you."
"The sun still lives his silent vows to the moon, by bowing to kiss her feet whenever she walks in the room."
"You are theremedy of intensityi need in my life, tospin me out of themiserable monotonyof working on life'sdaily assemblylines."
"It’s the roots, which are invisible, that make you so invincible."