27 Quotes by Cynthia Hand about clara

"How did you do that?” I shrug. “I click my heels three times and say, ‘There’s no place like home.’” “Uh-huh. So … you think this is your home? My barn? His tone is playful, but the look he’s giving me is dead serious. A question. “Haven’t you guessed by now?” I say, my heart hammering. “My home is you."


"Fine.” He smirks at me. “Nice to meet you, Carrots,” he says, looking directly at my hair. “Oh, I mean Clara.”My face flames.“Same to you, Rusty,” I shoot back, but he’s already striding away."


"Note to self: buy some nunchucks or something."


"I'm having an argument with myself. And I'm losing. So not good."


"Crap. No one's ever called me dorkina before. Derivative of dork. Not good."


"There I go, Clara the parrot. I belong on a pirate's shoulder."


"We are all connected, everything that lives and breathes in this world, and glory is what binds." Next thing he'll be talking about the Force, I know it."


"Okay, that was, I have to say, about the cheesiest thing I ever heard in my life,” I say to Angela as we’re milling around afterward. We hug, so Billy can take our picture. “I mean, seriously. Just be? You should write ads for Nike."


"Can we go somewhere?" I ask. "Let's go somewhere off in the woods and I'll show you."He hesitates, of course. What if I'm an alien invader trying to lure him to a secluded place so I can suck his brains out? Or a vampire, ravenous for his blood?"I won't hurt you." Be not afraid.His eyes flash with anger like I've come right out and called him a chicken."Okay." His jaw tightens. "But I drive.""Of course."


"This was dumb and admittedly creepy in an Edward Cullen kind of way, but it was the only thing I could think to do."
