43 Quotes by DaShanne Stokes about Lgbtq
- Author DaShanne Stokes
One of the best ways you can fight discrimination is by taking good care of yourself. Your survival is not just important; it's an act of revolution.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
If you voted for a man who said "Grab em by the pussy," you have zero room to claim to protect anyone in bathrooms.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
If you think being straight means you're being discriminated against, you're probably misreading your privilege.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Persecution complexes are reaffirming to those who benefit from unearned privileges.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Saying it's hard being straight is like complaining to the poor that it's difficult being wealthy.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Those who benefit from unearned privilege are too often quick to discount those who don't.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Bigots often like to say they're the ones being hurt as they oppress and hurt others. Never fall for the 'pity the privileged' routine.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Those with unearned privileges often spin things as 'political correctness' to further silence those they wish to oppress.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
If you love your country, you must be willing to defend it from fraud, bigotry, and recklessness--even from a president.
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