19 Quotes by DaShanne Stokes about privilege
- Author DaShanne Stokes
When you've grown up mis-educated, surrounded by fear and hate, unaware of your privilege, lies can sound like the truth.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Privilege is when you contribute to the oppression of others and then claim that you are the one being discriminated against.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Tolerance of intolerance enables oppression.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Privilege is when you can afford to sit back and watch as others' rights are trampled upon.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
You're not under attack when others gain rights and privileges you've always had.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Privilege doesn't just insulate people from the consequences of their prejudice, it cuts them off from their humanity.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Privilege is when you can afford to sit back and criticize others who have to fight for the things you take for granted.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Privilege is presuming to speak for others you know nothing about.
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- Author DaShanne Stokes
Political correctness' as 'over-sensitivity' is code for saying the privileged shouldn't have their unearned privileges questioned.
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