26 Quotes by Dada Bhagwan about Humility
- Author Dada Bhagwan
I do not have any problem if you show disrespect towards me, but you are creating impediments towards your own Self. When you say bad words to me, that also I do not have a problem but you are doing great damage to yourself. Here great humility is needed; absolute humility [param vinaya] is needed.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
Awkwardness and crookedness will not do ‘here’ (in Akram Path). The slightest breach of humility will cost you your moksha. Absolute humility [Param vinaya] means inner humility. Tremendous humility is needed.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
Dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) will persist only if there is discretion (vivek) between that which is appropriate and that which is inappropriate, otherwise dispassion for worldly life can never last. The discretion between that which is appropriate and that which is inappropriate comes through the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan).
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
Our humility [vinaya] should be such that offensive beings [aparadhak jiv], become non-offensive [un-apradhak].
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
To show humility [vinaya] towards disrespect [avinaya] is strong humility [gaadha vinaya). To maintain humility even when a disrespectful person slaps you; that is called absolute strongest humility [param avgaadha vinaya].
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
You should maintain absolute humility [param vinaya] till you attain each and every attribute of God.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
To worship means to go higher. If you join the one who has gone higher, you will go higher and if you speak ill of that person, you will fall down.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
The entire path of the Vitraag Lords (the enlightened one) is one of humility (vinaya). The practice of humility (vinaya dharma) begins from Hindustan (India). There are endless practices of humility, starting from putting two hands together (in the gesture of Namaste) to prostrating. And ultimately when one attains absolute humility (param vinaya), he attains moksha (ultimate liberation).
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