58 Quotes by Dada Bhagwan about Hurt
- Author Dada Bhagwan
What is nature like? It does not allow any living being to do what it wants even to the slightest extent. But the one through whom no-one is hurt even to the slightest extent, be it through mind, speech or conduct, nature gives such a person all the authority to do what they want.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
By not hurting anyone through one's mind, speech and action, all the vows (vrat) are encompassed in this!
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
What does syadvad (speech that does not hurt the ego of any living being) speech say? Speak in such a way that 5 people benefit from it and that it does not interfere [conflict] with anyone.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
The ‘egoism’ that is used to hurt others will hurt one’s own self. The ‘egoism’ that is used to give happiness to others becomes cause for his own happiness.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
There is sheel (the highest state of conduct in worldly interaction) when not a single living being is ever hurt even to the slightest extent through the mind, through the ego, through the antahkaran (the mind-intellect-chit-ego complex). Sheel arises for the one who maintains such an intent.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
Raag-dwesh (attachment-abhorrence), krodh-maan-maya-lobh (anger-pride-deceit-greed), they all cause misery. That is called kashaya (inner enemies that gives pain to soul).
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
What is considered moksha of the Vitraags [the enlightened ones]? It is where despite having a physical body, pain does not touch him, hence even worldly happiness does not affect him. The natural happiness keeps arising from within.
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
Misery will not leave from where there is excessive bad or harmful associations with that which takes you away from the Self (kusang). Whereas happiness will not leave from where there is excessive association with Self-realized beings or spiritual discourses (satsang)!
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- Author Dada Bhagwan
The fruit of the intent of serving others (sevabhaav) is worldly happiness, and the fruit of the intent of disserving others (kusevabhaav) is worldly misery. Your own 'I' (real Self) cannot be found through the intent of serving others. However, for as long as you do not realize your real Self, you should maintain an obliging nature.
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