65 Quotes by Dada Bhagwan about Happiness
"Fruit of discharge karma with shukladhyan (contemplation as the Self, Pure Soul) is moksha, and fruit of discharge karma with dharmadhyan (auspicious contemplation; to not hurt anyone, to give happiness to others) is tremendous punya. It binds punyanubandhi punya (merit karma which binds more merit karma)."
"If you like happiness, then worship that wherein happiness is inherent. Happiness is in God. God is an abode of infinite bliss. If you worship the inanimate (the non-Self, [Jad]), then you will have pain because there is only pain in the inanimate."
"What is called true happiness? It is 'chit prasannta' (blissful state of chit). The person who has attained 'chit prasannta', he need not beg for anything in this world!"
"God has called 'chit prasannta' (blissful state of chit) as happiness. Even when someone swears at you, picks your pocket; the 'chit prasannta' doesn’t go away! Even at two o’clock in the morning, the 'chit prasannta' does not go away."
"Believing happiness to be in the eternal thing is called the enlightened vision (samkit)."
"Without the 'applied awareness' of the Soul, 'happiness' cannot arise."
"What does the Lord say? "If you want liberation then go to the Gnani Purush (Self-realized One who can help others attain Self-realization) and if you want happiness in worldly life then serve your mother, father and Guru (teacher). In fact, in serving your parents, it is possible to attain tremendous happiness!"
"The worldly life means a market place of sensual pleasures. Worldly life means false (temporary) happiness all the time. And moksha (liberation) means permanent happiness all the time."
"The law of nature is such that everyone gets happiness according to their needs. The ‘tender’ that everyone (of us) fills out, is indeed fulfilled."
"When there is no peace in prosperity, then how can there be peace in misfortune? Happiness is not in misfortune or prosperity, happiness is in realizing the Self."