8 Quotes by Dan Brown about history
- Author Dan Brown
There comes a moment in history when ignorance is no longer a forgivable offense... a moment when only wisdom has the power to absolve. - Bertrand Zobrist
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- Author Dan Brown
Learning the truth has become my life's love.
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- Author Dan Brown
Unfortunately, Da Vinci was a prankster who often amused himself by quietly gnawing at the hand that fed him. He incorporated in may of his Christian paintings hidden symbolism that was anything but Christian - tributes to his own beliefs and a subtle thumbing of his nose at the Church.
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- Author Dan Brown
History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books-books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe. As Napoleon once said, 'What is history, but a fable agreed upon?
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- Author Dan Brown
By its very nature, history is always a one-sided account.
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- Author Dan Brown
-Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, doğum kontrolünün evrensel sağlığın anahtarlarından biri olduğuna inanıyor.+Ve Vatikan farklı düşünüyor.-Oldukça. Üçüncü dünya ülkelerini doğum kontrolünün kötü olduğuna inandırmak için çok büyük emek ve muazzam paralar harcadılar.+Ah, evet. Dünyaya nasıl seks yapacaklarını 80 yaşındaki bekar erkeklerden daha iyi kim öğretebilir.
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- Author Dan Brown
... [T]he other lesson history has taught us - that tyranny and oppression are no match for compassion ... that the fanatical shouts of the bullies of the world are invariably silenced by the unified voices of decency that rise up to meet them.
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- Author Dan Brown
Історія не раз доводила, що психопати раз у раз приходять до влади на хвилі агресивного націоналізму та нетерпимості, навіть там, де це здається просто немислимим.
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