34 Quotes by Daren Martin about work
"Being an owner has nothing to do with whose name is on the deed. An owner mentality is vital to success. Fire employees! Hire owners!"
"Actions matching sentiments builds trust."
"The smartest person in the room is the one humble enough to recognize they don't know everything!"
"If the world is progressing faster than your company or organization prepare for extinction!"
"The most critical success factor for leaders is their ability to influence the right people, at the right time, about the right thing."
"When a big vision meets a dysfunctional system, the dysfunctional system wins every time. Fix the system and success will flourish!"
"Apart from growth and change caterpillars don't become butterflies!"
"There is not an obstacle you face you were not created to overcome."
"Value multiplies in the hands of the competent, divides in the hands of the incompetent."
"True happiness lies with those who celebrate the quotidian as well as the extraordinary!"