11 Quotes by David Berkowitz Chicago about art

"The picture is a flash of color stories. No one can imagine a picture that has no story."


"You can not lie in your paintings, because you cannot hide from yourself."


"Art is like hard digging. Without daily searching, nothing can be found."


"Artwork can be consumed for ages. The people and the state can be proud of it. That is why it is incorrect to stimulate something that has no real value."


"If life can be a work of art, then what are the works of art?"


"As in zoology, monsters exist in art. It is the pervert of the formation of words, lines, colors, and sounds."


"I saw all my colors, I realized that painting has the same power as music."


"Art is wood that has fewer branches than science but its roots are deeper than in science."


"It is important that the image of her beauty sums up in man the richness of life, love, respect for the colors of the world created by God, thought of depth and faith. It does not matter who the painter is."


"They paint what they see and we paint what we are watching."
