34 Quotes by David Paul Kirkpatrick about Love
- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
Since that night you walked through my dreams, the world is full of magic things.
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- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
Heroes do not dwell in a time of peace; heroes are hardened in a kiln against the sorrows. Their troubles sharpen the blade and make it gleaming. The glint becomes a brightness that is raised high on a hill, allowing women and men to see beyond themselves. For light swallows darkness. Truth buries death. Heroes are not born. They are filled by Music.
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- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
The river was beautiful and wise. There were the two of them being happy in a new way. For here, there was no man, no woman, no master, no yellow, no black, no white. We, we who were, we are the same no longer.
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- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of Love. Along that river is the tree of heaven.
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- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
You are the apple of Love’s eye.
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- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
Small as a pea. Wider than the sea. This is where you and I came to be.
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- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
What are those glorious dots? Those, dear one, are forget-me-nots!
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- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
In the river swam the gleaming fish, which were meant for water, just as humankind is meant for love.
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- Author David Paul Kirkpatrick
We love against the night, burning like stars against the darkness of bread and circuses.
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