7 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about failure
- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
The problem is us. We don't look up to people who have made it in life to inspire us. Wanting to know how they made it. Instead, we look down to people who have failed in trying to make it. That we don't want to start or try for ourselves because we don't want to end up like them.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
People who are not thinking about the future. Are usually the ones that turn to destroy others futures. They only think about now and their now impact the future badly.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Obstacles, challenges and failure will trip us to fall in life, but when we fall. We don't concentrate on the fall, but we concentrate on what we are here to do. We concentrate on what we do best. That is how we keep on shinning and keep on winning.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
When your successful.A wise person wants to know how you did it. So that they can do it too, but a foolish person wants to know how you did it. So that they can stop you and destroy you.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
When people failed to be something good in life or to achieve something good. They become savages. Since they cant rise, they decide to bring everyone whose rising down.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
People are always ready to hate. They have lot of things in their lives that are going wrong and they are looking for someone to blame for their failure.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Every failure makes me to work twice as hard than me giving up.
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