154 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about Love
- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there…There are people who are damaged inside. They might speak well, look beautiful, sexy, fit , gorgeous, handsome. They mighty be filthy rich or having high profiles ,statuses or big titles. Don’t just get into any relationship with anyone without doing a background check on them. This is also why most relationship fail. It is because, People don’t take time to know who they are dating . They only do investigation , when they think their partner is cheating.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there…There are people who are damaged inside. They might speak well, look beautiful, sexy, fit , gorgeous, handsome. They might be filthy rich or having high profiles ,statuses or big titles. Don’t just get into any relationship with anyone without doing a background check on them. This is also why most relationship fail. It is because, People don’t take time to know who they are dating . They only do investigation , when they think their partner is cheating.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there…People who are having good time in their relationship or having good relationship. They don’t follow movies, soaps, listen to other people, read articles or book, or google on how to love, but they listen and believe in their own intuition. They follow their own heart and listen to their feelings, because no one can teach you, how to love.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there…Some people their beauty , body, looks, money and jobs got them into relationship or marriage , but their character and behavior fails to keep them into relationship or marriage.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there…We lie to people we love. We lie for the people we love, but don’t let the relationship to become a lie.-
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To Lovers out there…Love has no duration nor time.It never counts how long it existed , or when should it exist or what year or age should it exist. So don’t rush it, Don’t deny it . Don’t force it and don’t fake it. Let it happen naturally.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there...You can fall in lover anytime and anywhere, but to be in a relationship you must be ready. Relationship is a verbal contract and like any contract there is lot of work need to be done by both parties in order for it to be successful.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Some people will stay in an abuse relationship because the person they are dating is rich, cute, beautiful, sexy, hot, or wearing label . They don’t care about their lives or their happiness. All they care about is how people see them & what their friends say, when they walk on the streets.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To Lovers out there…..Love your partner In a way that . When they are wrong or do wrong. You wont just leave them, but you will teach them on how to do right. You will guide them ,hold their hands & show them how to do things in a right way. Sometimes in life we let go of the best people life has to offer, because of the wrong things they do .That they can do right if we guide them and help them to.
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