154 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about Love
- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there …Be careful these days you date someone because you love them. To find out they date you because they want content. They use you as content to gain more followers, likes, comments, popularity, sympathy, more number of viewers and to trend. This a new fashion. That is why everything you do or say they post it on their social media. They always the good ones and they paint you as always the bad one.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there ….Be careful of who you trust with your secrets. Some partners will say . You can open up to me and you can tell me everything. It is not because they care , want to support you and being there for you. They just want to know your weakness and what hurts you the most. So the day they are not happy with you. They will use that against you.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there…Some people when they talk about what kind of person they prefer. When you look at their list. You find that they are talking about themselves. Stop searching yourself in other people. We are different for a reason. We need to compliment each other not to replace each other.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there … Stop dating toxic people. Anything toxic kills. They will kill the joy and Happiness in you. They will Kill the kindness and confidence in you. They will Kill your beauty and your morals. They will Kill the love you have in you or they will kill you.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there....If you can everyone you want.It is difficult to get the one.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there.... The biggest mistake you can do is to love someone who doesn't want to be loved. Taking your precious time and efforts trying to convince them that you love them. Only to find that they find your efforts and love as a joke . That is why they laugh at you and make fun of you with their friends. Love is not a game, that is why those who play with it, lose it.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there….When your on top you need someone who will honestly celebrate your success with you. When you fall , fail and your down you need someone who will hold you, comfort you and someone who will lift your spirit up. Being alone is not always an option. At the end of the day. You need someone to be there for you non matter your bank balance or status in life.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there…People are different. What applies for someone might not work for you . It is best when you are in a relationship. You do what works for you and what makes you happy. Don’t copy other people relationships habits,pattern format ,life styles or behavior.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Gender wars in a relationship. Men try to destroy the physical beauty of a women. Women try to destroy Man's life (career, reputation,dignity,living life) when they fight.
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