28 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about hate
- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Watch what you say.Stop telling lies about other people with the intention of spreading hate or character assassination.You are cursing yourself.Tomorrow you will be wondering why your things are not working out. Why you're not making it, with the qualification, connection and experience your having. Forgetting that , it is because of the karma of lies you told about other people.Proverb 18:21 | Ephesians 4:29 | Psalms 1:1
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
The art of war is if you can’t defeat your enemy, because they are stronger than you. Make them to hate themselves, then you will win the war. Self hate is the most self destructing and most dangerous weapon to any human being. We are losing in life, because we are hating ourselves and hating one of our own.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Hate is such a heavy burden to carry. There are those who can't even sleep. They can't wait to log on to their social media accounts, so they can plant the seed of hate to others.Every time you say something . Know you are planting a seed. The question is ,what seed are you planting with your social account? What are you planting when you speak to other people or what seed is planted to you by the people you follow, or the people hang around with.Luke 8: 5-18
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Don’t allow people to turn you, into a hater to push their agenda. Hate is a heavy burden. That is why those who do it, can't do it alone . They recruit others to help them to carry this hate. Choose not to be a carrier of hate or a hate Influencer. Always spread love.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Nobody should give advice you on who to hate and who to love. That you learn on your own. You will know without being told. If someone advices you on that. Then they are lying to you, because they are telling you their experiences and on how they feel inside. It has nothing to do with you and on how you feel inside.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
People are always angry and showing fake outrage, but truth is ,they don't want to resolve issues. They don't want solutions. The reason being, is that they made careers out of hate, beefing, trolls, cyberbully and controversy.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
The jealous of an evil person speaks volume. Its even worse if that person is struggling in life. Their heart knows no peace & everything is wrong to it. It is never pleased.They hate their own kind and laugh at them when they fail.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
You can't give me what you don't have. When some chooses to hate .Hate is what they have withing themselves .That is why they are able to give it .
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
Hate makes someone who stays in a big mention to stalk someone who stays in a shack, because people who hate don't see what they have and don't appreciate what they have.
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