154 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about Love
- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there ...When your dating or in relationship. You can choose a partner based on their looks, riches, wealth, physical attributes. It doesn't matter, But when your getting married. You have to choose a person based on their character. It matters.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there ...The whole aim of being in a relationship , is to help each other to get through everything in life.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there ...Only relationships ages and gets old, but love is always the same. Forever young, forever growing and forever strong.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there …There must be a difference when you are single and when you are in a relationship. There must be a difference when your alone or when you're in a presence of your partner.There must be a difference when you talk to your partner and when you talk to anyone. You can’t be in a relationship and be feeling the same way single people feel.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there…Make sure that, whatever you told yourself or whatever you convinced yourself. It doesn’t hurt your partner in a relationship or doesn’t hurt the relationship.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there ….If you are asking for things from someone, You should be asking from your partner or you are doing things with them . You should be doing with your partner. You are cheating your partner from being a perfect lover to you. You are nonverbally denying them access of being fully there for you. You will end up , develop feelings for the person you are asking things from or you are doing things with.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there ...An expensive gift is useless if your partner doesn’t need it or use it . Spend time with your partner so you can know what they need. Then you will be able to get them the right perfect gift.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there …If you don’t work on your relationship. You will end up working for your relationship and your relationship end up being too much work.
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- Author De philosopher DJ Kyos
To lovers out there ….When you love someone.Give them the best love and the best version of your self. Don’t give them any excuse or any reason to leave you or to live without you.
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