89 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about business
"Success comes at a cost. Some it cost them their time, energy, hard work, family, friends, marriage, happiness, sleepless night, morals, character, trust, their body, their soul. If your success hasn’t cost you anything. It is going to cost you , your life, because there is nothing for free. If you get it for free it means someone else paid for it."
"When you are placed in a position of leadership. The position is about you, but is about empowering and helping others.Is not only about making money, but is about making a difference."
"Not you, Not now.Should be the key words. That activate your awesomeness, potential, abilities, capabilities, strength,talent, skills and power."
"When you are placed in a position of leadership. The position is not about you, but is about empowering and helping others.Is not only about making money, but is about making a difference"
"Don’t be fooled. We didn’t have it easy, but we made it look easy. Hustling is never easy, but it gets better with time everyday. Don’t give up, because it’s hard or difficult."
"They first said they were crazy, but today they wish they were them. If you have a vision, then it is your own mission to fulfill it, not everybody’s mission. People won’t see what you see or the way you see things. Let them not stop you, when they mock you, underestimate you , insult you or making fun of you. Once you reach your destination . They will understand and will wish they were you or they should have supported you from the beginning."
"Your actions comes from your Intention and your intentions comes out of what gives you pleasure.Some people get pleasure by people conflicts.Some people get pleasure by controversy.Some people get pleasure , When others fail.Some people get pleasure ,When others struggle in life.Some people get pleasure, when others are hurt in life.Work on what gives you pleasure, so that you may have good intentions and will be able to take the right actions."
"Good things, good time, good memories and good life. It does not happen on it’s own, but someone has to make it happen. What you do now , It is what will decide if you are going to have something good in the future. Spend your time wisely."
"Every morning when you wake up being alive.It is a sign , that you are given you another chance to start something if you have not started or to finish whatever you have started."
"I know Social Media is part of our lives now. Be careful when you do live videos or take pictures at workplace. If you are not mistakenly leaking sensitive company information."