89 Quotes by De philosopher DJ Kyos about business

"Choose to normalize giving best service to other people. Give best service regardless, if those people are black or white. Whether they are famous or not ,or whether they are your friends or not. If you are offering service. Always choose to give best service to everyone, not just your favorite people."


"Choose to be around people who will support you, rather than to sabotage you. People who will Congratulate you ,rather than to compare and to compete with you ."


"If you think you know something. Choose to teach someone. You will see how better you will be on it."


"When people do their new year resolution. They only set professional goals in their lives. That is why even If they achieve those goals their life is not balance. Choose to have all the goals in life. Set Economical, Educational, Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Social & Sexual goals not just Financial goals."


"Nothing is difficult. It’s just that you don’t understand it or understand how it is done. Just give yourself time to understand it. Give yourself time to learn it. You will see how easy it can be."


"Check if whatever you are entertaining, benefits you or breaks you. Check if it builds you or destroy you. E.g some entertain rumors, lies and hate, meanwhile others entertain ideas, feedback, opportunities and advice."


"If you know where you are going. Even if you get lost along the way. You will find your way back. Know your destiny , have goals in life and nothing will stop you from reaching your destiny."


"If you want to be strong , in control and have power in your life. Learn to deal with what you fear the most."


"You should be busy working on what you want, not what other people have or have achieved."
