5 Quotes by Dean Koontz about balance
- Author Dean Koontz
Maybe if everything was beautiful, nothing would be.People saw one thing, they swooned over it. They saw this other thing, they pounded it with sticks.Maybe there had to be variety for life to work. Swoon over everything, you get bored. Beat everything with a stick-boring.
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- Author Dean Koontz
Once, there were no predators, no prey. Only harmony. There were no quakes, no storms, everything in balance. In the beginning, time was all at once and forever — no past, present, and future, no death. We broke it all.
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- Author Dean Koontz
Embrace the weather, child, and you'll understand the balance of the world.
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- Author Dean Koontz
I survive by finding the sweet spot between reason and unreason, between the rational and irrational.
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- Author Dean Koontz
The world needed a little Evil, so Good had something to compare itself to, but you couldn't let it think it had the right-of-way on the road and an invitation to dinner.
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